Light Surface Control


Experts in light, lighting, retro- (reflection), color and sight for traffic and infrastructure. Specialists for on site photometric measurements and analyses. Development of smart durable optical products.

Measurements and analyses

Measurements and analyses for road- and public lighting
(EN 13201)
Measurements, analyses and design for tunnellighting
(CIE 88/189 and 194)
Measurements and analyses for outdoor sports and work places
(EN 12193 and 12464-2)
Measurements and analyses for indoor lighting (NEN 12464-1 and 2443)
Measurements and analyses for obtrusive lighting and glare (CIE 150)
Measurements and analyses for (retro-) reflection properties (night- and day visibility) and color of retroreflective materials, road studs, road markings, traffic signs and contour markings for heavy and long vehicles and their trailers (EN 1436/1463/12899 and ECE Regulation 104)
Measurements and analyses for reflection properties and color (dry-wet) of road surfaces and pavements (CIE 66 and 144)
Measurements and analyses for reflection properties and color (dry-wet) of aggregates for asphaltic- and cement concrete pavements (degree of whiteness or blackness Y-CIE Tristimulus value Y)
Measurements and analyses for reflection-, spectral-, gloss- properties, SRI (Solar Reflectance Index) and color of building materials


SLS series (Sustainable Lighted Signs)


SLS series

Wave series


Light Surface Control,
Buiswater 20,
3991 MZ Houten,
tel.: +31 651304535,


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